Who are the Mexican Women Pioneers in mariachi music? During the 1950's in Mexico, three all-female mariachi groups existed: Mariachi Las Coronelas, Mariachi Las Adelitas and the Mariachi Estrellas de México (formerly known as Mariachi Michoacano).
During those times, all three groups came to be recognized and heard both nationally and internationally, touring as artists throughout Mexico, Central and South America, and the USA. After so many decades, the documentation has finally begun, demonstrating the efforts of these remarkable, but forgotten, first-generation Mexican women pioneers, sharing their histories, anecdotes, and personal photographs to the world, no longer to be forgotten. The list and documentation of these remarkable pioneers is still a work in progress, but we proudly present to you, without a doubt, these women who are the women pioneers of the all-female mariachi groups in Mexico.
Today, surviving first-generation pioneers range in age from their late 70s to their early 80s. Surprisingly, some of them still choose to perform mariachi music.
In August 2007, surviving pioneers were interviewed by Laura Sobrino, Nancy Muñoz and Leonor X. Perez, mariachi researchers from the USA, and there the idea was born to reunite some of these women to perform as the "Mariachi Pioneras de México", to share their incredible histories and talent, for the public to experience their personal collections and recollections from a time period where women were not supposed to be a part of this all-male mariachi tradition. To contract the all-female tour group, click here: "Mariachi Pioneras de México".